AI lab “office hours”
Mondays and Thursdays - we switch off every week, so be sure to check our calendar - we host “office hours” at the coworking space at Kukui Grove Mall in Lihue. These office hours run from 2pm-4pm, and are walk-in only, and meant for the general public.
During these office hours, feel free to come by to ask your burning questions about generative AI. We aren’t computer or data scientists, but we have a lot of experience using AI professionally and personally. We (the people who will be answering your questions during the office hours) have helped others learn about and use AI, from setting up accounts, explaining differences between models, expanding what you know, and being more security minded. We’ve also helped businesses (large and small businesses_ use AI, both as full time employees and as consultants, and we’ve done work to set up local LLMs.
Office hours are meant for the public, to walk in and get answers, not as a substitute for business consulting, which we offer as a separate service 🤔😛