Pete Simon Pete Simon

Zonta Leadership Workshop!

Join us for the Zonta Leadership Workshop on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM at at Kukui Grove. This interactive session, "Connecting Across Communication Styles," will help participants explore the four primary communication styles, identify their own “default” style, and practice techniques for effectively communicating with others.

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Pete Simon Pete Simon

Coworking space and AI lab

Let’s talk about how coworking space and the Kuleana AI lab fit together. Both share a similar name and (for now) the same physical space - the old First Hawaiian space in Kukui Grove Mall, facing the bus stop -  and the same people, but they are in fact two distinct things with aligned but different missions.

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Pete Simon Pete Simon

AI lab “office hours”

Mondays and Thursdays - we switch off every week, so be sure to check our calendar , we host “office hours” at our coworking space at Kukui Grove Mall in Lihue. These office hours run from 2pm-4pm, and are walk-in only, and meant for the general public…

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Pete Simon Pete Simon

What is an “AI lab”?

When we say “AI lab” this is what we mean: a physical place where research and development takes place, a place you can go to learn, and an online presence that acts as a clearinghouse for information and expertise.

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Pete Simon Pete Simon

Our coworking amenities

We have a very comprehensive package of amenities for our members that we feel really differentiates us, and helps bring our close-knit member community together.

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Pete Simon Pete Simon

Aloha, world

We’re pretty tech-savvy, we’re facing the future with optimism, and we’d love for you to join us. Come by and visit, become a member and work with us, or just stop by during our office hours and ask questions about generative AI, passwords, wifi, online scams, and so on.

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